Frequently Asked Questions

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture, the insertion of very fine hair-like needles into the body at specific points along the meridians, guides the energy where qi is insufficient, and clears the pathway where qi is stagnant. This stimulation nourishes depleted areas, eliminates blockage and restores balance and health to the body. 

How does acupuncture work?

While there is no definitive explanation of how acupuncture works, most theories concur that the insertion of needles or pressure at strategic locations affects the neurological, hormonal, circulatory and immune systems.  According to the National Institutes of Health, the stimulation of acupoints activates the central nervous system to release chemicals in the brain, spinal cord and muscles.  These chemicals either alter the perception of pain or influence the body’s hormonal self-regulating systems, which can initiate natural healing processes and promote a sense of physical and emotional well-being

What does acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture is most commonly known to treat pain, however it can affect a very wide range of physical and mental ailments. According to the World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health, acupuncture is effective at treating various systemic problems:

Pain (acute or chronic) – headaches, migraines, joint pain, back pain, neck pain, traumatic injury and muscle tension

Respiratory – breathing difficulties including asthma, allergies, bronchitis, colds and flu

Reproductive – infertility, ED, menopausal symptoms, PMS, irregular menses, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea

Gastrointestinal - acid reflux, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, chronic issues including IBS, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis

Psychological – anxiety, insomnia, depression, addiction, stress, PTSD

Is it safe?

There is essentially no chance of contamination, since I utilize single use sterilized disposable needles. Acupuncture is a safe procedure when administered by a licensed professional who is board certified by the National Commission for Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).

Is it painful?  What will I feel?

Each person’s reaction to acupuncture is different. Since acupuncture needles are not much thicker than a hair, most people find treatments basically painless or sense minimal discomfort.  After the needle is inserted, you may notice unusual sensations such as a feeling of heaviness, tingling, or the movement of energy along the channel.  Often patients report a profound sense of calm after treatment, which enables the body to relax and heal.

A session may also include a variety of non-needle techniques such as moxibustion, (a localized heat treatment), acupressure utilizing essential oils or herbal liniments, and cupping or gua sha, (Chinese techniques for moving local stagnation of pain or phlegm).

How many treatments will I need?

The benefits of Chinese medicine are cumulative.  Acute complaints may clear quickly, however chronic conditions will progressively improve over time. Treatment plans are individualized based on the duration of the complaint and the severity of the symptoms.   The benefit of treatment is to support the three treasures of life: the mind, body and spirit. This gradual process strengthens the body and enables the patient to recognize signals, heal & maintain overall wellness.  

What is Tai Ji (or T’ai Chi Ch’uan)

Tai Ji is a healing martial art form that blends energy circulation, breathing and stretching techniques with martial movement. It integrates the body, mind and spirit for the purpose of improving health and increasing internal power and physical strength.

What is Qigong?

Qigong is a method of low impact exercise that blends posture and movement, mental concentration and focused breathing. It teaches methods to balance the three treasures, the mind, body, & spirit, reduces stress, improves health, and increases vitality by supporting the meridians, or channels of energy in the body. 


What is Qi?